Thursday, May 3, 2012

Countdown to Eleuthera

Welcome to the blog for our 15th anniversary trip to Eleuthera! We've been saving for five years to take a vacation, just the two of us, and it's almost here. Well, as I post this, it's still over a month away, but given the amount of time I've spent researching and, frankly, obsessing over this trip, it seems like it's right around the corner. Anyhow, I imagine that many of you haven't heard of Eleuthera, so I encourage you to visit the links on the right hand side to find out everything you ever wanted to know about this quiet "Out Island" in the Bahamas. Here's some photos of the house we're renting:

Our house is the one in the lower right hand corner. See all of the resorts and casinos? Nope, neither do we. See all of the people on the beach? Neither do we. See our children? Nope. For more information, here's a link to the house: Oceanaire So, between the links and pictures, you can get started on discovering Eleuthera, too. And if you're interested in following the run-up to this trip, filled with all sorts of banalities like packing and the trip there, etc., feel free to check back from time to time in the next month. Once we get there, we'll start posting for real.


  1. Great Blog! Thanks for taking me away even if it was just for a moment!

  2. Thanks, Ronda! Tomorrow: adventures in buying plane tickets in 2012!
